just chiming in via mobile, i have an edrumin10 in transit right now - yesterday it arrived in frankfurt for customs clearance, and i bought one years ago which arrived ridiculously fast back then.
for the recent shipment, this is exactly how far rob's influence on the shipment goes and the rest is up to whoever works at customs that day (and if he/she is literate enough) and/or which local courier will take care of the package.
as rob mentioned somewhere, the tracking works but of course there will be no updates between leaving the country of origin and arriving at the country of destination.
i think the process of buying edrumin is as transparent and straight forward as possible, and i can almost guarantee that problems with shipment will only arise if local customs don't work properly.
so yes, now that it is at customs i am anxious to see what will happen this time
here's a screenshot of the tracking:

- IMG_0218.jpeg (76.02 KiB) Viewed 270 times