MidiExpression IO with FCB1010 pedal

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Re: MidiExpression IO with FCB1010 pedal

Post by Rob »

Yes, you can do a factory reset.

First, open the update firmware section:
firm.png (46.83 KiB) Viewed 1767 times
Next, click on the FACTORY RESET button at the bottom:
reset.png (17.51 KiB) Viewed 1767 times
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Re: MidiExpression IO with FCB1010 pedal

Post by Rob »

Btw, when you are doing the Loopback test, you should be connecting the MIDI Expression 5 pin MIDI IN directly to the MIDI Expression 5 pin MIDI OUT. The test checks to ensure that data (large sysEx messages) passes through the device without error.

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Re: MidiExpression IO with FCB1010 pedal

Post by handmansel »

When your looking at the MIDI Dins straight on is the leftside IN and the rightside OUt? not that it matters because you said just to connect one cable to both but for future reference i didnt see this is the flow chart diagram or anywhere for that matter.. i may have missed that though.
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Re: MidiExpression IO with FCB1010 pedal

Post by handmansel »

still getting same error...
nm...after factory reset now im getting the green check marks saying passed...ok on to further testing the board
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Re: MidiExpression IO with FCB1010 pedal

Post by handmansel »

Ok so its not picking up the fcb1010 and ifcb loopback test is passing once i had it set up correctly. So I think the issue has to be for the fcb1010 to be seen by the midiexpression. Once this happens the ifcb software will work just fine but the issue is the midiexpression is not seeing the fcb1010 pedal board. What can I do to make this happen? i believe its on channel 1...
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Re: MidiExpression IO with FCB1010 pedal

Post by Rob »

Can we start with the very basics? Forgetting about iFCB for a moment, let's make sure your FCB1010 actually works.

1. Connect the FCB1010 to the MIDI Expression (looking from the back at the MIDI port of the iO, the left port is the IN and the right port is the OUT).
2. Open the Control Application.
3. Move the expression pedal on the FCB1010.

Looking at the MIDI Activity Indicator (those 3 little dots that you press to open the routing page in the Control Application), do any of them light up indicating that the FCB1010 is sending MIDI Data?

If not, then I suspect the issue is with your FCB1010. You might want want to perform a factory reset. Google 'FCB101 factory reset'.

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Re: MidiExpression IO with FCB1010 pedal

Post by handmansel »

I believe its sending midi data because the red light comes on....

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Re: MidiExpression IO with FCB1010 pedal

Post by handmansel »

I dont know what to make of it all. I have made sure the fcb1010 and the midiexpression are both on same midi chanel of 1 and cc 7 for the expression pedal....i see the red light come on but do not see the pedal moving
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Re: MidiExpression IO with FCB1010 pedal

Post by Rob »

The pedal graphics in the MIDI Expression Control application won't move in response to your FCB1010. Those graphics are only for pedals that are plugged into the MIDI Expression.

Alright here's the next thing to check. With the control application open, when you launch the iFCB, two two of the Activity Monitor lights in the Control Application light up, showing that the iFCB is sending data and that the FCB1010 is responding to it? Are there any sort of MIDI led's on the FCB1010 that light up when you launch iFCB?

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Re: MidiExpression IO with FCB1010 pedal

Post by Rob »

You might also see if you have any better luck using this software:
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