Maximum pads with splitting on an Edrumin 8

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Maximum pads with splitting on an Edrumin 8

Post by Acaldwell123 »

Hello all, I am seriously considering picking up one of these units and currently play a Roland Vdrum with a TD 10 module that I can now smell burning circuitry when plug it in. I’ve dragged this thing around the states and beat the crap out of it for 25 years and actually just changed the heads for the first time two weeks ago. It’s ready to retire. I do not or have not used the preset sounds in that module for a couple years and only use VST plugins, mainly superior drummer, so these units sound perfect but I was wondering how many pads I can actually set up on the Edrumin 8 since the 10 is not available yet. Saw in the video that the zones can be split from one input to two pads.
Ideally, I would still use my whole kit( hi hat, HH pedal, and then split Tom’s one and two, split Tom 3 and floor Tom four, and then split two crashes as well as split an auxiliary China and a splash or closed HH. Do you guys/gals think I can pull that off with the eight?
My thoughts are Kick, snare, HH, Ride using their own inputs, then HHPed already had its own, leaving 4 inputs to split?? Am I on the right track or missing something like limited amount of splittable inputs?
I just found this site and these units last week so forgive my lack of knowledge and thanks in advance for any help.
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Re: Maximum pads with splitting on an Edrumin 8

Post by Rob »

Sounds doable. There's no limit on splitting inputs, but you should keep in mind that split cymbals will be single zone only and can't be choked.
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Re: Maximum pads with splitting on an Edrumin 8

Post by Acaldwell123 »

Thank you for that insight Rob. I guess if it’s just me recording I can always just edit the choke in, so that would mainly affect my sound if playing live. Really, in a pinch, I could also just bark the hi hat instead of choke a cymbal….or set up an alternative preset foregoing an auxiliary splash or china to have the dual zones on one or both crashes
There’s definitely workable possibilities. I’ll give it a few weeks as long as my TD10 holds up and hopefully the Edrumin 10 will be available. If not at least I know I’ll have something I can work with.
Thanks again!!
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